• 1.5.x

v1.1.3 - 15/07/2015

- ADDED: Support for OpenCart 2.0.3.x

- FIX: Calendar error with Jquery UI and calendar plugin

v1.1.2 - 22/04/2015

- ADDED: Support for OpenCart

- ADDED: Logged-In User logo for OpenCart v2.0.X

v1.1.1 - 01/03/2015

- FIX: OC2 - OPENCART BUG FIX: Replace incorrect variable for geting weekly chart. Only reveals when using line chart not bar chart

- FIX: OC2 - Header Alert Notification now displays correct count

- FIX: OC2 - Added fix for Journal2

- ADDED: Added more Kuler modules to the compatibility list

- FIX: Circloid for OC 1.5.X now properly reports only completed orders on chart

v1.1.0 - 18/02/2015

- NEW: Now supports OpenCar 2.0.1.x

- NEW: Created fix for Pavilion Theme control panel

- UPDATED: CIrcloid now displays True Sales Values of complted orders only, instead of all orders (pending, abandoned, canceled etc)

- Fixed non-responsiveness in sales/order pages

v1.0.11 - 12/12/2014

- Added fix for non-clickable menu during installation of v1.0.10 and above

- Updated SQL files to allow for possible future updates

- Make default buttons as buttons no longer just links

- Reorganized language files so newly added terms are at the bottom

- Remove duplicate on the Other Stats widget

- Added correct link for Product Count notification. When clicked, now displays correct products like before

- Fixed dashboard error for Vendors on Waabay's Dropshipper/Multivendor Extension

v1.0.10 - 02/12/2014

- NEW: Added status change feature for the main graph

- NEW: Added Daily, Weekly & Monthly Sales to Sales Widget

- NEW: Allow main large chart be able to show orders/customers based on custom date range

- NEW: Add menu hover/click switcher

- Hide error/succes message block when empty. Sometimes made visible by other extensions CSS

- Make error/success alert fadeout after few seconds

- Fixed JS tabs issue on all versions. Now you no longer get logged out when you click a tab

- Updated Circloid's Style to be more flat and appealing

- Updated Flot graph plugin.

- Changed the "log" settings in Circloid xml to "ignore/skip" for header icon changes. This prevent VQMod from logging "Not Found" Errors for icons on 3rd party extensions.

- Changed "log" to "skip" for menu-import script. Prevents malformed menu items preventing Circloid from loading fully.

- Added more modules to the Kuler Modules compatiblility list.

- Added correct Waabay's Dropshipper/Multivendor Extension fix for v1.5.6.4

v1.0.9 - 22/08/2014

- Created better styling for Kuler Themes Custom Admin Pages

- Fixed issue with some tabs caused by Custom Admin Page fix

- Improved fix for Waabay's Dropshipper/Multivendor Extension (VQMod Version). Main menu now displays properly base on wheter user is Admin or Vendor.

- Improved fix for Waabay's Dropshipper/Multivendor Extension (VQMod Version). Now only 1 vendor button shows in main menu.

v1.0.8 - 08/08/2014

- Fix for Journal1 infinite reload loop

v1.0.7 - 28/07/2014

- Fixed layout and errors on Forgetten Password page

- Added full menu to main menu for Custom Admin Pages

- Created completely new fix for Journal2

v1.0.6 - 12/07/2014

- Added missing chunk of code for Custom Admin Pages to OpenCart v1.5.6.4

- Fixed unlink error message on dashboard which was as a result of Custom Admin Page fix.

v1.0.5 - 12/07/2014

- Added: Compatibility with Themes and Extension that have custom admin pages.

- Fixed: Error/Success messages not showing. CSS Issue.

- Cleaned up unused commented code

v1.0.4 - 27/06/2014

- Added: Compatibility with Waabay's Dropshipper/Multivendor Extension (VQMod Version)

- Updated documentation to include Waabay's Dropshipper/Multivendor Extension (VQMod Version)

- Height of "Other Stats" widget on homepage now adjusts correctly depending on content. CSS change.

- Updated Menu Importation.

v1.0.3 - 01/05/2014

- Installation process now displays when default language is not English. Note: This does not translate the language file.

- Added compatibility for OpenCart to

- Changed style of some form links to buttons

- Fixed styling on Error Log button for OpenCart and above

- Fixed pagination. No longer affects the frontend

- Hide the empty success, error & warning messages which get reveiled by some 3rd-party extensions when there is no action carried out.

v1.0.2 - 09/02/2014

- Added Kuler Themes Framework to compatibility list.

- Updated Menu Importation for seamless integration on Circloid.

- Fixed loading issue with Top 5 Products/Customers Widget.

v1.0.1 - 16/01/2014

- Corrected menu import path. Menus items are now properly imported.

- Added styling for 3rd party top-level menu items

v1.0.0 - 26/12/2013

- Initial Release

Admin theme

Circloid Responsive Opencart Admin Theme

  • Product Code: TF6480072
  • Availability: In Stock
  • €0.00