• 1.5.x
  • 2.x
  • 3.0.x

AutoDetect 3.7.4


- Improvement: Updated the IP detection service

- Bug fix: Check getCountryByIp results before return

AutoDetect 3.7.3


- Improvement: OpenCart compatibility

AutoDetect 3.7.2


- Improvement: Check country source before returning the result

- Improvement: Rebuild multi-language URL alias

- Bug fix: Custom redirect not executed

- Bug fix: Make sure country check not empty

- Bug fix: Better check before show notification in Synchronous method

- Bug fix: Fix issue with askforquoteCurrencyAlias

- Bug fix: Fix test method

AutoDetect 3.7.1


- Bug fix: Remove a call to the old ip2nation database table.

AutoDetect 3.7


- Improvement: Dropped the use of ip2nation database IP, and use the DBIP database IP.

AutoDetect 3.6.9 (OpenCart 3.0.x)


- Improvement: OpenCart 3.0.x compatibility.

AutoDetect 2.6.9


- Improvement: Multi store feature enabled.

AutoDetect 2.6.8 (OpenCart -


- Improvement: Better compatibility with CloudFlare.

- Improvement: Updated IP database (database release: November 12, 2016).

- Bug fix: Model is now loaded correctly.

AutoDetect 2.6.7


- Updated IP database

AutoDetect 2.6.6


- Updated IP database

- Bug fixes

AutoDetect 2.6.5


- Bug fix: Manual redirect

- Bug fix: Stripe is shown

AutoDetect 2.6.4


- Improvement: Update button when DB is outdated

AutoDetect 2.6.3


- Update of the ip2nation database

- Improvement: IP detection

- Improvement: Asynchronous detect method no longer relies on form submitting

AutoDetect 2.6.2


- Bug fixes

AutoDetect 2.6.1


- Compatible with OC 2.2.x

- Improvement: Detection modes changes

AutoDetect 2.6


- New feature: The {REQUEST_URI} shortcode is allowed for the custom redirects

AutoDetect 2.5.1


- Select all/Deselect all buttons for the listed countries

AutoDetect 2.5


- Update of the ip2nation database

- Bug fix related to search engines

AutoDetect 2.4


- New Feature: Option to disable the module for search engines

- Bug fixes

AutoDetect 2.3


- New Feature: Manual redirect with a stripe

AutoDetect 2.2


- New Feature: Synchronous and Asynchronous detection

AutoDetect 2.1


- Added compatibility fixes for OpenCart 2.0.1.x

- Fixes in the OCMOD

- Fixed CSS styles in the administration panel

- Removed obsolete code

AutoDetect 2.0


- Re-implemented for OpenCart 2.0 support. From now on, all versions will be for OpenCart 2.0+

- Bug fixes 

With AutoDetect, your website will automatically detect your customers’ language and currency based on their current location. Give your users the convenience they deserve and make them feel at home by greeting them at their own language, with their native currency.

Main Features

✯ Option to disable the module for search engines
✯ Select all/Deselect all button for listed countries
✯ Set Rules for Language - Choose a default language that users view your store if they come from a certain country
(Example -> Use English when visitors come from: USA, Canada, UK, Australia, South Africa)
✯ Synchronous and Asynchronous detection
✯ Manual redirect with a stripe
✯ Set Rules for Currency - Set a default currency for all products for users to experience your store if they come from a certain country
(Example -> Use USD when visitors come from USA. Use GBP when users come from Great Britain. Use EUR if users come from countries within the European Union)
✯ Create Custom Redirects - Redirect users to a certain URL if they come for a selected country.
✯ Multistore & Multilingual

Auto Detect - Automatically Detect Currency and Language

  • Product Code: OC18641
  • Availability: In Stock
  • €5.00

Tags: Auto Detect - Automatically Detect Currency and Language