- 1.5.x
- 2.x
- 3.0.3.x
AutomatedNewsletter 3.6
- New Feature: Email Preview
- New Feature: Added support for Journal3 Newsletter Subscribers
- Improvement: EasyNewsletterSubscription unsubscribe compatability
- Improvement: Journal2 unsubscribe compatability
- Improvement: Journal3 unsubscribe compatability
- Improvement: OpenCart compatability
- Bug fix: Fix an issue with the sending of newsletter confirmation emails
- Bug fix: If no specific item selected from Specific Category considered All Categories
- Bug fix: Email multilingual
AutomatedNewsletter 3.5.7
- Bug fix: Multi-store is now fully working
- Bug fix: Fix a problem with the content box not appearing properly
- Bug fix: Fix the missing images when there are empty spaces in their name
- BUg fix: Fix the category autocomplete to be shown properly
AutomatedNewsletter 3.5.6
- Improvement: Send a confirmation email upon subscription
- Improvement: Email filtering
- Improvement: Add specific categories to the product list
- Bug fix: Fixed a conflict with EasyNewsletterSubscription
AutomatedNewsletter 3.5.5
- Improvement: Discount by customer group
- Improvement: Show the excluded tax price per site configuration
- Bug fix: Special product SQL query
AutomatedNewsletter 3.5.4
- Bug fix:The module license is activated correctly
AutomatedNewsletter 3.5.3
- Added OpenCart 3.0.x compatibility
AutomatedNewsletter 2.5.3
- Improvement: Improved fetching of sent newsletters
- Improvement: Added check for newsletter subscribtion When selecting receivers by customer group or products bought
- Bug fix: AutomatedNewsletter link is now displayed in the admin menu
AutomatedNewsletter 2.5.2
- Bug fix: Fixed missing language string
AutomatedNewsletter v.2.5.1
- Improvement: Added error message when subject is missing
- Improvement: Improved queries for selecting newsletter receivers and newsletter products
- Improvement: Code refracturing
- Bug fix: Fixed Custom Sender Name and Email
- Bug fix: Fixed select recepients based on customer group
- Bug fix: Fixed pagination in Newlsetter templates listing
AutomatedNewsletter v.2.5
- New Feature: Added OpenCart 2.3.x compatibility
- New Feature: Added full multilingual support
- Improvememt: The archived newsletter in customer account are customer-group specific
- Improvement: Admin layout improvements
AutomatedNewsletter v.2.4
- New Feature: Functionality to set the number of emails sent per AJAX request
- Improvement: The specials are no longer limited by days
- Improvememt: The module now prevents the same newsletter to be sent to a customer twice, if he has registered and subsrcibed for a newsletter
- Improvement: Improvements in the language detection
- Improvement: Improvement in the mail layout
AutomatedNewsletter v.2.3
- New Feature: Added support for Journal Newsletter Subscribers
- New Feature: Added error reporting when the Newsletter Subject is missing
- Improvement: Added compatibility with OpenCart 2.2.x
- Improvememt: Improved checks for special prices
- Improvement: Added ordering of the archived newslettera in the store starting from the most recent ones
- Improvement: Support tab improvements
AutomatedNewsletter v.2.2.4
- Bug Fix: Fixed display of newsletters on the front end
- Bug Fix: Scripts and styles are added if the admin folder is renamed
- Bug Fix: Saving of the specific customers function
- Bug Fix: Special prices
- Other minor fixes
AutomatedNewsletter v.2.2.3
- Added compatability with OpenCart 2.x
- Bug Fix: Image upload in summernote
- Bug Fix: Email sending functionality
- Bug Fix: Counting for EasyNewsletterSubscriber receivers
- Bug Fix: Featured products
- Other minor fixes
AutomatedNewsletter v.2.2.2
- Fixed 'Products' and 'Products bought' autocomplete
- Fixed 'Continue proccess' function
- Small fixes on the Cron functionality
- Fixed the setBcc function
AutomatedNewsletter v.2.2.1
- SEO links of the products in the e-mail
- All EasyNewsletter subscribers now part of All Newsletter Subscibers
- Fixed schedule newsletters
- Fixed SendNow button in Firefox
- Fixed module's layout in Firefox
- Fixed e-mail function
- Other bug fixes
AutomatedNewsletter v.2.2
- Added functionality for selecting new products from specific manufacturers
- Added functionality for using other cron services
- Added compatability with EasyNewsletterSubscription module
- Expanded left menu layout fix
- Special Products Price Fix
- Language bug fix
- Other Bug fixes
AutomatedNewsletter v.2.1.3
- Bug fix for Bestsellers in the Newsletter template
AutomatedNewsletter v.2.1.2
- Bug fix for uploading through Extension Installer
AutomatedNewsletter v.2.1.1
- Minor Bug Fixes
AutomatedNewsletter v.2.1
- Fully compatible with OpenCart and
- All versions from now on will be compatible with OpenCart 2.0.1+ only.
- New feature: log of the recepients of the newsletters
AutomatedNewsletter v.2.0
- Fully compatible with OpenCart 2.0.0.x
- Using OCMod as rewriting engine
- All versions from now on will be compatible with OpenCart 2.0+ only.
- Bootstrap 3
AutomatedNewsletter v.1.6
- Added functionality for selecting new products from specific manufacturers
- Added functionality for using other cron services
- Special Products Price Fix
- Language bug fix
- Other Bug fixes
AutomatedNewsletter v.1.5.4
- Added 'From Custom E-mail' feature
- Bestsellers Bug Fix
- vQmod minor Bug Fix
AutomatedNewsletter v.1.5.3
- Minor Bug Fixes
AutomatedNewsletter v.1.5.2
- Bcc Bug Fix
- Progress Bar Bug Fix
AutomatedNewsletter v.1.5.1
- The module is now compatible with EasyNewsletterSubscription
- Bug fixes
AutomatedNewsletter v.1.5
- Added Bcc option to store owner
- Bug Fixes
- iProgress library Update
- Layout improvements
AutomatedNewsletter v.1.4
- improved newsletter history
- added progress bar to show the current status of the sending process
- ability to abort a sending process
- ability to continue aborted send process
- removed select product by stock status
- bug fixes
AutomatedNewsletter v.1.3
- included VAT prices
- selectable currency in the newsletter
- send product with selected Stock status id
- multiple templates
- admin can select different template for each schedule task
- default template improvements
- code refactoring
- bug fixes
AutomatedNewsletter v.1.2
- ability for administrator to select custom product list
- featured products list
- administration front end improvements
- bug fixes
AutomatedNewsletter v.1.1
- multi store
- multilingual
- new table in database which logs all sent newsletters
- list with all sent newsletters on the store front
- show sent newsletters in administration
- bug fixes
AutomatedNewsletter v.1.0.1
- Bug fixes
AutomatedNewsletter v.1.0
- Initial release
AutomatedNewsletter is the easiest way to keep your customers informed about your newest, bestseller and store specials... all fully automated. You only have to set up the system once and the system will automatically generate and send your newest products. You can create an email template or use our lovely pre-made one. You can also manually send a newsletter to all of your store subscribers or a custom group. You can also tweak product size, number of products per line and live kick in a campaign on certain dates or periodically.
Main Features
✯ Email All store subscribers or selected customer groups
✯ Set custom product list
✯ Select products from manufacturers
✯ Set Sender email
✯ Cron services
✯ Change subject and email content via RTE (Rich Text Editor)
✯ Set newsletter currency
✯ Include VAT prices
✯ Choose from Specials, Bestsellers and Newest (You can also send all of them or any combination)
✯ Send products based on criteria
✯ Limit number of products per row
✯ Multistore
✯ Multilingual
✯ Change image size
✯ Send periodically or manually
Automated Newsletter - Fully Automated Newsletter System
- Product Code: OC16008
- Availability: In Stock
Tags: Automated Newsletter - Fully Automated Newsletter System