• 1.5.x
  • 2.x
  • 3.0.3.x

BirthdayReminder 3.6.1


 - Improvement: Cron job binary path is now automatically detected

 - Bug fix: Customers can update their birthday date only once per year

 - Bug fix: Fix the modal birthday mail form issue when you try to insert image

BirthdayReminder 3.6


- Improvement: OpenCart 3.x compatibility.

- Improvement: Module is completely event based and is not using OCMOD.

Ever wondered how big timers like Amazon.comDell.comApple.comFacebook.comEbay.com always email you with an offer you can't resist on your birthday? BirthdayReminder does just that. BirthdayReminder is a wonderfully easy and awesome module that prompts new users to enter their birthdays upon registration or checkout. The admin can also do this manually. Once the email is there, all you have to do is set the text with the coupon your customers are going to get on their birthday and enjoy your sales climbing!

Main Features

✯ Allows customers to enter their date of birth on register and checkout
✯ Customers can easy edit the date of birth on account edit page
✯ Admin can add manually and edit date of birth for each customer
✯ Customers can update their birthday date only once per year
✯ Full blown calendar with year, month, week and day view
✯ Automatic Gift email template
✯ Generate unique discount code for each customer
✯ Percentage or fixed amount discount
✯ Set coupon validity
✯ Cron jobs for scheduled tasks
✯ Admin notifications (Never Miss an event) - weekly or daily
✯ Manual option for sending emails

Birthday Reminder - Send birthday emails with coupon code

  • Product Code: OC15820
  • Availability: In Stock
  • €5.00

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